The Town Worship March 22, 2020

On March 22, 2020, you won't be with the large worship gathering, but you are still in the presence of an audience of One. Invite a few friends or gather your family and worship Jesus together.

Prepare. If you have pre-school aged kids, you can access a visual help guide for the sermon content by clicking here.  For older kids you can download a visual guide here.
Get online early and invite friends to a watch party and let them know what time everything starts. Tag people, share to timelines. Do your part to build up the body of Christ online and to invite others into worship.

Parents. You may want to pick up the Jesus Storybook Bible and read the story of Esther. You may also want to read Esther 3-4 from the Message to your kids. Don't be afraid to stop and explain as best that you can. Make up funny names for the weird names that are hard to read. Make it memorable. Have your kids "boo" every time they hear Haman's name. 

Call to Worship. Around 10am turn on some worship music in your house. If you want to start learning some songs we're gonna sing when we come back together, then use this link. Trust me, these songs are good.

Read and Pray. Psalm 33:13-22

Listen or Sing. If you have an instrument, pick a song or two and respond to God's Word in worship. You can use the playlist provided. You could even sing without instruments, but definitely sing a song to the Lord.

Sign In and Start or Join a Watch Party. It's super-important right now for all of us to make sure we're connecting with others online. Don't do this alone. You can use the following links to access our stream at 10:30am.  Once you log on and access the link, press the share button or host a watch party. Be sure to let everyone know you're watching with them. Comment, interact and make the most of the opportunity God has given us to reach people. Don't be shy with posting pictures of worship in your homes - this is so encouraging to your brothers and sisters and pastors.

Give. You can give to the church using PushPay app or going to

Response. Spend some time in prayer and listening to a few of the songs you didn't get to on the worship playlist. Check in with a few friends online or text message and see if you can pray for them. 
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