Sunday Worship and Corona Virus

Sunday, March 15 at 10:30am our livestream will broadcast the next sermon in the Esther series. We will not be meeting tomorrow at our building. Instead, we are calling our worship gathering together in all of our homes. In other words, don't skip out tomorrow. Be a part of worship in a different way.

LEAD WORSHIP. I will be sending out some ideas for a worship order later this evening. There will be several ideas that anyone can participate in or lead. If you have a family, prepare them for what you plan to do tomorrow. I want to exhort and encourage you to take the time to lead your families and friends and demonstrate the importance of meeting together for worship  - no matter what.

LISTEN TO GOD'S WORD. The message I am preparing will go live at 10:30am. Plan to broadcast the message to a screen in your home. Make preparations tonight so you are ready tomorrow. You can access the message on our app ( or your favorite app store), on facebook or by going to Every link can be found at the end of this message.

MAKE THE MOST OF THE OPPORTUNITY. That's right! This is an opportunity in the midst of a chaotic and mad world. Once you start streaming, I want to highly encourage you to tag The Town on your favorite social network, post a picture, invite others, and share the livestream. Be very intentional - tag some people that you know and make the most of the missional opportunity. Additionally, this helps us in building our own community. When you share that you are worshipping with us it will encourage others who are doing the same thing at the same time. Post to one another's walls, pages and so on with comments and encouragement.

GIVE. If you have not already begun to give automatically online, now is the time to start. Don't allow the fear of the world to influence your giving to the Lord and His church. You can go to to make sure we can sustain our efforts during this difficult time. You cannot and will not ever outgive what God has given to us. Be faithful in the mad world.

MERCY. We are working on a plan to help our older members and our vulnerable members. Stay tuned for more about this effort tomorrow and this week. We are looking for people who can help deliver essentials and other needed items to those who really need to keep themselves protected from this virus. We want to demonstrate to our community what it means in practical ways to love Christ and love others.

That is it for now. Remember, no building gathering tomorrow but we will gather online. Look for the worship order in a few hours. Let's use the brokenness of this world, and a moment such as this, to make much of Jesus and glorify His name.

Direct Links To Live Stream Sunday at 10:30am

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