Our Denomination
We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America. We are Elder lead and congregational powered. The PCA is theologically conservative and holds to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Essentially, we believe in closed handed issues found in the Apostles Creed and look to faithfully teach all of the Scripture since every word is inspired by God.
Our Worship
You will hear and sing everything from traditional hymns to the latest worship music. Our style is certainly modern. We are always looking to stretch both young and old alike. There are riches to be found in both the oldest song and the newest tune.
Our Pastors
Our pastors have been licensed to preach and ordained by the Heritage Presbytery. In order to be ordained, our Pastors have graduated from seminary and have served the Lord in testing their knowledge in theology, Bible content, original Biblical languages, church history, Sacraments, and the PCA's Book of Church Order. Our aim is to preach sound doctrine as found in the Scriptures as faithfully as possible and to do so in a way that is relevant to the issues we face today.
Our Doctrine
Our system of doctrine can be found in the Westminster Standards. We believe in Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone, and to the glory of God alone. We're not into the funny business of watering down the Scriptures or preaching what itching ears want to hear. We want to offer the true life giving Word through Christ-centered preaching. We believe the Gospel applies to every area of our lives and we mean to preach it and teach it whenever The Town comes together.
The Town was planted as Stone's Throw Church in Middletown, Delaware in 2010. Pastor Dan and Pastor Scott along with an incredible planting team and about 150 people from Glasgow Church (now Reach Church), in Bear Delaware were sent with a mission to reach people who had left the church, had been hurt by the church, or never considered the church, The Town met as Stone's Throw Church for almost 9 years at Appoquinimink High School. In 2019, The Town moved into our new building in the heart of the fastest growing metropolitan area in the First State. Our mission remains the same - we want to make Jesus known to those who are far from God. We want to see the town that we love transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our dream is for many to discover and participate fully in God's plan and mission for their lives - because that is where we experience the greatest joy as we glorify God.

Pastor Dan Betters
Senior Pastor
Pastor Dan has been the Senior Pastor of The Town since the beginning in 2010. Dan is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and was ordained into the PCA in 2007. He began full time ministry in 1998. Dan oversees the preaching and worship ministry at The Town.

Pastor Scott Winchester
Associate Pastor
Pastor Scott has been the Associate Pastor of The Town since 2017. He's a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and was ordained in 2017. Scott oversees the adult discipleship programs at The Town, which includes small groups, men's/women's ministries, and Christian education. He also preaches and helps to lead in the liturgy of Sunday morning worship services.

Pastor Paul Han
Assistant Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
Pastor Paul has been the Assistant Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at The Town since January 2024. He's a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and has been in full time ministry since 2014. He was ordained into the PCA in 2021. Paul oversees the student and young adult ministry at The Town.

Ellen Bitler
Director of Children's Ministry
Ellen Bitler has been the Director of Children's Ministry at The Town since 2014. She graduated from the University of Delaware with degrees in Elementary/ Special Education and Family & Community Services.

Laura Gunden
Ministry Coordinator
Laura Gunden has been the Ministry Coordinator at The Town since 2021. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with degrees in Marketing and Business Administration and holds an Executive MBA from St. Joe's University in Philadelphia.
Ian Bitler
Greg Burch
Mark Harbeson
John Tanner
Steve Hart
Stu Lindner
Kevin Bitler