Youth Group
at The Town

One of the fastest growing groups in the Western Church are young people who are leaving the church once they graduate high school. This is why we believe helping students grow deep roots in a faith that is their own is so vital to discipleship.

Our youth ministry not only focuses on having fun, creating Christ-centered relationships, and memories, but also helping students foster deep spiritual growth. We want kids to know what they believe, why they believe it, and how it matters by the time the enter the world on their own.

Simply put, we want to teach the Bible in a way that is relevant to their lives. Jesus is the greatest thing that could ever happen to a person.

If you are in Junior or Senior High, we would love for you to join our youth group. You can check out what's happening on our app or reach out directly to our Director of Student Ministry.

Getting Involved

Our youth group is our main event for student ministry at The Town. It is led by leaders who love Jesus and engage with students on a level that is relevant to their faith and life. All you have to do is show up. Events are updated on our events page and in our app. 

Where to Go 

Youth Group usually takes place at The Town though special events happen all over the place. Stay up to date by reaching out to our Director of Student Ministry to get onto our text message notifications. 

Who Can Attend

Any student from 6th through 12th grade is welcome to attend. We encourage you to bring your friends even if they don't attend The Town. 

What Happens at Youth Group

Events vary from week to week. We can promise you'll have a blast getting to know people, building relationships that last, and knowing more about Jesus and why he matters to your life.